Hover effects are generally used on buttons to give nice visual feedback to the user. In this article, we will be discussing how to create a hover effect on social media icons using HTML & CSS. Social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Google+ and their respective business pages, are a great means to get […]
Designers have been using tricks to create hover effects forever. Creating a hover effect is not rocket science,but it is challenging to get it right. We have to make sure that the effect works on all sorts of devices and browsers.This blog is interesting because the hover effect is used to highlight the image and […]
This tutorial will show you how to create a glowing hover effect on icons and buttons using HTML and CSS. You can use this effect for social media icons or any other icons.Blog Description: In this tutorial, we will create a glowing hover effect on social media icons using HTML and CSS.It’s a popular trend […]
HTMLstands for Hypertext Markup Language. HTML is an amazing language and it has multiple uses. It is used for creating your website and it’s used to create your emails and even your chat messages. HTML is also used to create cool and good-looking chat messages and emails and hence we decided to write this article. […]
Card Outer Glow Effect On HOVER In this era of the Internet, Web Designing and Development seem to be fascinating things. In designing a web page, the designer has to consider a huge range of things to make a user-friendly and good-looking interface. This is the age where people love to convert a normal user […]
Glowing text in a website is a great way to catch a viewer’s attention. Nowadays, with the use of the css3 property, you can easily achieve this effect.There are various techniques that you can use depending on the situation. By using the animation property, you can create the glowing text animation CSS3 introduced a new […]
Sometimes, you may need to send data from the HTML form to your email address through a PHP script. That is why you are here, read the blog to find out how to do it.You can find plenty of resources online that will tell you how to load the sent data into the database. But […]
It’s a well-known fact that all businesses should make sure that their website is secure.Still, a lot of them aren’t aware of the steps to take to make theirwebsite as secure as possible. This blog will look at 5 simple steps that you can take to make sure that your website is as secure as […]
Social bookmarking sites have gained a lot of importance over the years. It is a very popular topic for discussion among SEO experts.A recent survey conducted by Moz.com showed that 70% of the participants ranked social bookmarking as important for SEOpromotion. In this blog, I will talk about why you should include social bookmarking in […]